Manuel Salustino Jesus

President of the council parish of Curral das Freiras


Estrada Cónego Camacho, n.º 7 B
9030 - 319 Curral das Freiras


+351 961 319 076

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Manuel Salustino Jesus

Welcome to our council parish official website. In a world were is getting more computerized, were everything is a distance away of a click, we could not stop exploring this world of the new tecnologies.

Since the year 2005 belongs to our executive organ of parish council, before assuming the presindency of the council, succeeded for two mandates, as secretary of two executives, experience which has contributed to the enrichment of knowledge to perform his duties now as president. Today he is a proud man of his journey, always has the population as a priority and is tireless in the promotion of the parish, example of this, was the requirement that he putted into the construction of this site. Everyday he works hard for a sustainable growth of Curral das Freiras. Where he believes in a policy as a very important mission, since there is competence, sensitivity and goodwill on the man and the women that are present in the mission of the autarchy.

We are at your disposal to everything you need

2024 | JFCF